Saturday, September 29, 2018

What is the Best Medication for PCOS in Homeopathy? Homeopathy Treatment for PCOD/PCOS

PCOS is a syndrome with chief complaints of Amenorrhoea (menstrual irregularities), Hirsutism ( unwanted hair on face and body ), and obesity ( gain in weight, increased BMI ) . All the above features are associated with enlarged ovaries which have multiple cysts on the outer cortex measuring 2 to 9 mm in diameter.

PCOS is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and PCOD is Polycystic ovarian Disease. It was earlier more commonly known as Stein-Leventhal Syndrome and this disorder was a rarity then. In today’s time, PCOD is one of the most common endocrinal disorder found in women of reproductive age. It is more prevalent in young girls, women of reproductive age, in girls and in women who lead faulty lifestyle, who have poor dietary habits and who generally do not undergo physical exercise. Positive Homeopathy Provides Homeopathy Treatment for PCOD, PCOS, without Side effects.

What is the Best Medication for PCOS in Homeopathy? Homeopathy Treatment for PCOD/PCOS

There is no specific cause known for the development of PCOS and it results from multiple factors and polygenic reasons such as insulin resistance, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, thyroid dysfunction , Cushing syndrome etc. Excess androgen hormone production by the enlarged ovaries is primarily responsible for the symptoms of PCOS.

The patients with PCOS/PCOD have the combination of the following set of symptoms : 
Menstrual irregularities such as Amenorrhoea(absent menses), Oligomenorrhoea(scanty and delayed menses), or Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) 
Obesity or overweight (Increased Body Mass Index) 
Hirsutism (unwanted hair growth ) 
Acanthosis nigrican, a gray-brown pigmentation on the thickened skin in the inner thighs, nape of the neck, in the groin and the axilla. 
HAIR-AN syndrome : It is a condition characterized by hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance and acanthosis nigricans. 

The diagnosis of PCOD/PCOS in early stages will help immensely in arresting further progress of the disorder and also cure it completely. The doctors diagnoses PCOS by the symptoms of obesity, menstrual problems, hirsutism etc and confirms the presence of PCOD by sending the patient for investigations which are ultrasonography, serum hormone levels of testosterone, FSH, LH, estradiol and estrone. Tests are also advised for 2 hr-glucose tolerance test(GTT) , lipid profile and TSH(thyroid stimulating hormone).

PCOS is a heterogeneous disorder and it effects more than one part of the body. If PCOD is not treated properly or if ignored could cause myriad of complications. Immediate complications could be obesity,alopecia, insulin resistance, abnormal lipid profile, infertility and miscarriage. The long-term effects of PCOS/PCOD are Diabetes mellitus, Endometrial cancer, Hypertension, Cardiovascular diseases, Dyslipidaemia and Sleep apnoea. Therefore, it is wise to consult a homeopathic doctor to get rid of PCOD at the earliest.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome) can lead to serious health problems, such as diabetes, heart disease and even cancers. So if you are suffering from this issues, then Homeopathy Treatment for PCOD is the best option for complete cure of disease. 

The treatment of PCOD/PCOS should be constitutional as the disorder is a syndrome and hence individual symptoms should not be treated by different specialist doctors. Many of the patients with PCOD prefer dermatologist for acne and hair fall, gynaecologist for menstrual irregularities , endocrinologist for insulin resistance and so on. Where as , Homeopathy has the philosophy of treating the PCOD by considering the symptoms , the constitution of the patient and the investigations required to ensure permanent relief from this disorder. Positive Homeopathy Clinics have always followed orthodoc constitutional method of homeopathic treatment for PCOD which enables the doctors working at Positive Homeopathy to get successful results , making them the best homeopathy clinic in the treatment for PCOD/PCOS.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

What is The Main Cause of Psoriasis? Homeopathy Treatment for Psoriasis

What is the Best Treatment for Psoriasis? Homeopathy !

Psoriasis is a very distressing skin disease which is expressed as dry skin with reddish appearance covered with silvery-white dead skin cells which shred in scales and powder form. It is pronounced as ‘soriasis’ and it is a very common and chronic skin disease which is thought to be caused to autoimmunity in which the body’s immune cells act against its own self. A positive family-hereditary reason is also found in patients with Psoriasis. But the onset is noticed to be brought on by few triggering factors such as anxiety, mental trauma, physical injury etc. if you are suffering from this disease then Homeopathy Treatment for Psoriasis is the best cure options for you.

Psoriasis is typically distributed on the back of the elbows, front of the knees, scalp, lower back etc. The nails, the palms, and the soles may also get affected. Very rarely, mucous membranes may be involved.

Homeopathy Treatment for Psoriasis
There are various types of Psoriasis. Out of them 5 types are majorly known
Guttate Psoriasis: commonly noticed in children and young adults affecting the skin of the arms, legs and the torso.
Plaque Psoriasis: A very common type of Psoriasis appearing on the back of elbows, in front of the knees, scalp and low back.
Inverse Psoriasis: The lesions of this type are typically located in the armpits, in the groin under the breasts, in the skin-folds and they appear bright-red, shiny and smooth.
Erythrodermic psoriasis: In this type, the skin is shredded in thin sheets and are spread in larger surfaces of the body.
Pustular Psoriasis: This is a rare type, mostly seen in adults and the pustules are formed localized to palms and soles.

Psoriasis is a disease which has remission and intermission and therefore patients with Psoriasis tend to forget or ignore to take treatment. But, it is also a progressive and distressing disease. In many of the patients with Psoriasis, the disease is not limited to only the skin, it spreads to the bones and joints causing Psoriatic Arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis is very debilitating causing weakening of joints. In some patients, eczema and excoriation may ensue resulting in severe itching and bleeding resulting in infection and septicemia.

Though medical science has reached many high levels in the treatment of various diseases, there is no specific treatment for Psoriasis in modern medical science or conventional medicine. Homeopathy has complete treatment for patients with Psoriasis by taking into consideration the constitution and duration of complaints. There are specific top homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Psoriasis which have their sphere of action on the immune system as well as on the skin and joints enabling imminent cure and prevention from complications. Positive Homeopathy Clinics is judicious including the constitutional method with the modern science in providing best homeopathy treatment for Psoriasis in the cities of Bangalore, Vijayawada, Vizag, Mysore, Mangalore among other locations in South India.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Piles Dangerous for Health? Homeopathy Treatment for Piles

How piles can be cured naturally? Homeopathy Treatment for Piles

The commonly known factors which are responsible for Piles disease are chronic constipation, prolonged sitting for long hours, leading lax sedentary life, lack of physical activity, obesity, colorectal surgeries, frequent diarrhoea and pregnancy.

Haemorrhoids or Piles are classified as External haemorrhoids and Internal haemorrhoids. External Piles has their origin below an imaginary line called dentate line in the anal canal. It is always associated with the Internal component. External Piles have severe pain when they get clotted and hardened, which is called thrombosed haemorrhoids.

Internal Piles origin above the dentate line and it is the most common type of Piles.
Piles are seen in some pregnant women due to the increase in progesterone hormone and pressure from enlarging uterus which causes decreased gastric motility. In some pregnant women, Piles remain after the delivery of the child. Are Piles dangerous for health? Yes, Take Homeopathy Treatment for Piles without surgery.
Homeopathy Treatment for Piles
Homeopathy Treatment for Piles

Based on the progress of the haemorrhoidal disease, Piles is categorized into 4 stages, stage I to stage IV.

Piles are both symptomatic and asymptomatic. The patients with Piles consult doctors when it is symptomatic with complaints of bleeding and protrusion. Pain in Piles is not more as compared to Anal Fissure. If the pain in Piles sufferers is severe, it could be due to thromboses haemorrhoids. The bleeding is bright red in color which is seen in the toilet or upon wiping. Prolapse or protrusion is felt and seen when there is a further weakening of anatomical structures of the anal canal. Itching in the perianal region could be due to leakage from inured Piles and lack of maintenance of hygiene. How can piles be cured naturally? Yes, Homeopathy Treatment for Piles is the best chance to cure the Haemorrhoids without surgery.

Piles are diagnosed by the doctor on physical examination. The first inspection is done for evidence of thrombosis or excoriation. Rectal examination may also be required. Anoscopy procedure is performed to know the stage and location of the affected haemorrhoidal complex.

Piles are both symptomatic and asymptomatic, it is wise to consult a doctor before it starts progressing. Patients with Piles visit a doctor when there are bleeding and protrusion. Treatment of Piles should be comprehensive and long-lasting as it can recur and also progress. Majority of the conventional doctors chose bands and surgery as a treatment plan. The patient should be observant to notice any side-effects from surgery such as pain, infection, urinary incontinence etc.

Homeopathy has top medicines as treatment for Piles. The medicines are selected based on the constitution of the patient so that a permanent recovery is possible. Homeopathic medicines help avoid surgery and the treatment can be taken at home or office without any side-effects. Positive Homeopathy Clinics has the best treatment for Piles and it is regarded as one of the best clinics in Bangalore, Mysore, Hubli, Mangalore, Vijayawada, Vizag among other cities. With 80 experienced doctors and more than 20 clinics and online consultation facility, Positive Homeopathy has established itself as the top hospital /clinic in the treatment of Piles.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Is Hypothyroidism dangerous? Homeopathy Treatment for Hypothyroidism

Homeopathy Treatment for Hypothyroidism | Symptoms, Causes And Medicines

Hypothyroidism is a disease of the thyroid gland which is located in the front of the neck. It is also referred to as underactive thyroid because of the less functioning of the thyroid gland resulting in increased TSH levels and decreased thyroid hormones. The role of thyroid hormones is for body metabolism and protein synthesis. There is Homeopathy Treatment for Hypothyroidism disease, which works very well and cures the disease completely.

There are various causes for the development of hypothyroidism condition, most commonly it is due to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis which is an autoimmune disease because of which the thyroid cells work against the gland resulting in degenerative changes and low secretion and release of thyroid hormones. Other Primary causes include severe iodine deficiency, congenital disorder (ectopic or absent thyroid gland), certain drugs (lithium, anti thyroid drugs etc), surgical procedure ( subtotal or total thyroid gland removal). Secondary causes of hypothyroidism are hypopituitarism (Tumours or surgery of pituitary gland ) , hypothalamic disease (tumuors, trauma, infiltrative disorders )
Homeopathy Treatment for Hypothyroidism
Homeopathy Treatment for Hypothyroidism
The patients of hypothyroidism complain of weakness, lethargy, sleepiness, gain in body weight, constipation, irregular menses, anemia, difficulty in breathing, hair fall, sensitivity to cold. On examination, the doctor finds a decreased heartbeat, low blood pressure, and anemia.

Know About Hypothyroidism - Homeopathy Treatment for Hypothyroidism:

Hypothyroidism is diagnosed by the presence of signs and symptoms and confirmed by the lab tests showing increased TSH levels and decreased thyroid hormones. A specific test Antithyroid peroxidase is done to rule out Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Hypothyroidism condition has to be cured essentially as the decrease in thyroid hormones impacts daily activities. Furthermore, if the treatment is not done properly or ignored, hypothyroidism causes the increase in potassium levels which is a reason for the atrioventricular block. Other heart diseases could be seen such as cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure etc. Sleep apnoea could be seen later if hormones are not controlled. Patients with hypothyroidism may develop dementia and mood disorders if not treated. Therefore, it is must to stop the progress of the disease by taking complete treatment for hypothyroidism. Homeopathy Treatment for Hypothyroidism is the best option for this disease, which cure the completely from its root.

The treatment of hypothyroidism should be comprehensive and wholistic, which is possible through homeopathy. There are top homeopathic remedies for hypothyroidism which work on the causative factors when regular prescription drugs do not work. The treatment with homeopathic medicines also gives long-lasting relief from hypothyroidism. There are good homeopathic remedies for hypothyroidism such as Calcarea carb, Natrum Mur, Graphites, Nux vomica, etc which are non-addictive and non-toxic but natural.

Positive Homeopathy is the pioneer in providing best homeopathic treatment for hypothyroidism with the help of 80 plus experienced homeopathic doctors in its 20 plus clinics. The same treatment with effective results is also being serviced through online treatment. The treatment procedure involves in-depth case taking by the doctor, top quality homeopathic remedies for hypothyroidism, no side-effects, easy to use medicines, and regular follow-ups to ascertain the stages of recovery to health. Positive Homeopathy Clinics are regarded as one of the best clinics in Bangalore, Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam, Rajahmundry, Mysore and Kurnool in providing Best Homeopathy Treatment for Hypothyroidism and other thyroid disorders.