Saturday, September 15, 2018

Piles Dangerous for Health? Homeopathy Treatment for Piles

How piles can be cured naturally? Homeopathy Treatment for Piles

The commonly known factors which are responsible for Piles disease are chronic constipation, prolonged sitting for long hours, leading lax sedentary life, lack of physical activity, obesity, colorectal surgeries, frequent diarrhoea and pregnancy.

Haemorrhoids or Piles are classified as External haemorrhoids and Internal haemorrhoids. External Piles has their origin below an imaginary line called dentate line in the anal canal. It is always associated with the Internal component. External Piles have severe pain when they get clotted and hardened, which is called thrombosed haemorrhoids.

Internal Piles origin above the dentate line and it is the most common type of Piles.
Piles are seen in some pregnant women due to the increase in progesterone hormone and pressure from enlarging uterus which causes decreased gastric motility. In some pregnant women, Piles remain after the delivery of the child. Are Piles dangerous for health? Yes, Take Homeopathy Treatment for Piles without surgery.
Homeopathy Treatment for Piles
Homeopathy Treatment for Piles

Based on the progress of the haemorrhoidal disease, Piles is categorized into 4 stages, stage I to stage IV.

Piles are both symptomatic and asymptomatic. The patients with Piles consult doctors when it is symptomatic with complaints of bleeding and protrusion. Pain in Piles is not more as compared to Anal Fissure. If the pain in Piles sufferers is severe, it could be due to thromboses haemorrhoids. The bleeding is bright red in color which is seen in the toilet or upon wiping. Prolapse or protrusion is felt and seen when there is a further weakening of anatomical structures of the anal canal. Itching in the perianal region could be due to leakage from inured Piles and lack of maintenance of hygiene. How can piles be cured naturally? Yes, Homeopathy Treatment for Piles is the best chance to cure the Haemorrhoids without surgery.

Piles are diagnosed by the doctor on physical examination. The first inspection is done for evidence of thrombosis or excoriation. Rectal examination may also be required. Anoscopy procedure is performed to know the stage and location of the affected haemorrhoidal complex.

Piles are both symptomatic and asymptomatic, it is wise to consult a doctor before it starts progressing. Patients with Piles visit a doctor when there are bleeding and protrusion. Treatment of Piles should be comprehensive and long-lasting as it can recur and also progress. Majority of the conventional doctors chose bands and surgery as a treatment plan. The patient should be observant to notice any side-effects from surgery such as pain, infection, urinary incontinence etc.

Homeopathy has top medicines as treatment for Piles. The medicines are selected based on the constitution of the patient so that a permanent recovery is possible. Homeopathic medicines help avoid surgery and the treatment can be taken at home or office without any side-effects. Positive Homeopathy Clinics has the best treatment for Piles and it is regarded as one of the best clinics in Bangalore, Mysore, Hubli, Mangalore, Vijayawada, Vizag among other cities. With 80 experienced doctors and more than 20 clinics and online consultation facility, Positive Homeopathy has established itself as the top hospital /clinic in the treatment of Piles.

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